
Anabell Garcia-Chak
Sandra is my colleague, she is a dedicated educator, we took Child Development Classes together, PITC ( Program for Infant and Toddler Care) trainings, Dep of Education classes and Conferences, that shows great dedication to keep current and improve her professional development hours.
Jessica Escalante
Teacher Sandra is a childcare provider who has completed the 8-week OC Childcare Business Cohort organized by First 5 OC in collaboration with SBDC, CIELO and OCWBC. Sandra is committed to providing best practices for children under her care! Congratulations Teacher Sandra!! Teacher Sandra is a child care provider who completed the 8-week OC Child Care Business Group hosted by First 5 OC in collaboration with SBDC, CIELO, and OCWBC. Sandra is committed to providing best practices to the children in her care! Congratulations Teacher Sandra!!
Angela Pierce
My 2 toddlers 4 and 2) are all smiles from drop off to pick up. I am at ease knowing they are cared for by Miss Sandra. Miss Sandra provides a safe, nurturing, and engaging early learning environment that effectively supports childrens needs, and development. Thank you sincerely Miss Sandra 🙏🏼 ❤️ …
M. Rdgz
Mrs. Sandra is the most loving person I know. She’s very passionate about her role as a child care provider. My kids love going to Mrs. Sandra when care is needed.
Briana S
My niece is 8 we just started taking her here and she loves it! The teachers are so kind and knowledgeable. My niece leaves feeling confident and in a great mood. I can see a big improvement in her attitude towards homework and her skills in reading and writing as she has become more proficient and patient in learning both. I highly recommend them! The whole experience is top notch!
Jenine E
I signed both my daughters up for little geniuses summer camp program and my daughters loved it! They always managed to keep the girls entertained with projects and activities. They also reserve a time for learning activities as well such as reading and math. Every Friday they took the kids on field trips and while I was a little anxious the first time sending my 4 year old, I went with them and saw how well they managed the kids! I didn’t have to go on the other trips because I knew my kids were in good hands. Thank you guys for all that you’ve done and I would definitely sign my girls up again next summer!
Sameh K
They are the best they helped my son to be above level thank you guys
Elmas Clothing
My two boys love coming here. I have noticed great improvement in their academic performance at school. Highly recommend this place to other moms. Management is very professional. Teachers are caring, friendly and competent. Staff go above and beyond to accommodate our kids changing schedules.
Percival Tron
Was recommended to Little Genuis Learning Center by a close friend who has her son in their programs for some time now and couldn't be happier. Enrolled my 9y/o son, and he absolutely adores this place! They offer so many options, catering to your child's specific needs, extremely attentive with alot of 1 on 1 time, friendly loving environment and staff. This year has been hectic, so for parents who need an alternative to pure home-schooling/school or extra assistance with making sure your child continues to succeed academically and has the opportunity to socialize safely...this is the place! So grateful for all the help and relief they've provided, especially being a work at home mom with a toddler. Wish I could give them 6 stars. Thank you Dania !
Xiangfei K
Little genius is an awesome place which help children get success for their academic growth! My son is learning in there for after school program. He is so happy for everyday. He always told me he get lots of fun and learning from there and he loves to go there everyday! Dinia is a very responsible and patient lady who helps kids a lot. I feel very comfortable when my son learns there!
Marie D
Little Genius help me with my college essay. Yay i got a on the thesis essay I just want to say thank you so much i wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have little Genius we will definitely work againCommunication was great
Leslie H
I worked at Little Genius Learning Center for a few months and loved the experience! I love working with children and so the atmosphere was perfect.
Sami S
Great place great teachers. I would give it 10 stars not 5.
Molly P
Little genius learning center has helped my daughter so much! I cannot believe how much of an improvement she has made in such little time!!! It makes me so happy to see how learning has become such a fun part of her day and how she is excited to go to the center. They are also so good about taking COVID-19 measures into consideration, which is so important to me!
Amalin A
Little genius has been a blessing for my son. The center provides very thorough information on his day to day progress, areas of improvement and overall development. Everyone in the facility is kind, knowledgeable and helpful at all times. Along with this, the center has impressed me with their COVID-19 protocols and how safety is of such importance during these times. As an educator, I am impressed with this tutoring centers and what they have to offer.
Ayo A.
Excellent customer service , friendly stuff, they provided me all the information that I needed to register my nephew into the summer camp . Prices is very reasonable and affordable. Definitely I recommend it to everyone.
Farah F.
The best learning center I've been to in Tampa! They have awesome prices with a great service and a wide range of subjects! Will definitely be back again!
Hamsa S.
Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value
Dontrel H.
Very nice staff, professional, and good communication. Great atmosphere for learning.
Skyler K.
This place is really fun. Dania has such a bright and happy personality, and is always ready to help the kids. Hamsa is such a wonderful person, she always helps make sure lunch is ready, and makes sure the kids are learning enough. And they taught me more in a week then, online school did. They did a better job teaching me math and english, than my online classes.